Current Working Papers
“Evaluating the basic income using experiments” Download
“Urban Reserve – Rationale and Development?” Download
“The intangible costs of workplace accidents” Download
“Using contingent valuation to measure the economic costs of accidents” Download
Miscellaneous Papers
2011 “Clustered evaluations” Download
2010 (a) “A framework for measuring EMR benefits in primary and chronic disease management” Download
(b) “Health information technology as an intervention” Download
(c) “Small scale experiments: Options for employment programming”Download
2007 (a) “Welfare wall, reservation wages and labour force attachment”Download
____ (b) “Applying choice experiments to social policy design”Download
1989 “The Demographic Structure of Prairie Canada: a Micro Analysis” (with W. Simpson) for the Review of Demography and its Implications for Social and Economic Policy, Canada.
1986 (a) “Entrepreneurship and Demography” (with L. Mercer), University of Manitoba Research Ltd.
____ (b) “Longitudinal Designs for Housing Research,” I.S.E.R., May, for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
1985 (a) “The French Language Debate in Manitoba: Evidence from the Polls,” (Presented to the Canadian Association for Applied Social Research, Annual Meeting, Montreal).
____ (b) “Home Ownership and Low Income Families: Evidence from the MINCOME Experimental Data,” (Presented to the Canadian Economics Association, Annual Meetings, Montreal).
____ (c) “Manitoba Manufacturing, 1961 – 1984,” Prepared for the Department of Industry, Trade and Technology (Government of Manitoba), 73pp.
____ (d) “Political Attitudes of Western Canadians,” I.S.E.R. Profile on the West.
1984 (a) “Income, Expectations and Happiness: Some Preliminary Observations from the 1984 Winnipeg Area Study.”
____ (b) “The Manitoba Economy in 1985,” (Presented to the Western Business Outlook Conference, Conference Board of Canada, and to the Manitoba Economic, Regional and Industry Subcommittee of Cabinet).
____ (c) “Creative Municipal Management: Strategic Planning and Forecasting,” (Presented to the Manitoba Association of Urban Municipalities, Annual Meeting).
____ (d) “New Technology: What Strategy for the Prairies?,” (Presented to a conference of Labour Markets and the New Technology, Canadian Plains Research Institute).
____ (e) “Attitudes of the Manitoba Population Towards Education,” I.S.E.R. Profile on Manitoba.
____ (f) “Political Preferences of the Manitoba Population,” I.S.E.R. Profile on Manitoba.
____ (e) “The 1984 Election: A Retrospective Poll,” I.S.E.R. Profile on Manitoba.
____ (f) “Developments in Analyzing Longitudinal Data: A case study of the Mincome Data,” (Presented to the annual meeting of the Western Association of Sociology and Anthropology, Regina, Feb 10, 1984).
1983 (a) “Energy and the Homeowner,” Prepared for Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, 84 pp.
____ (b) “Attitudes of the Manitoba Population on Bilingualism Policies Proposed by the Provincial Government,” I.S.E.R. Profile on Manitoba.
____ (c) “Attitudes of the Manitoba Population on Nuclear Disarmament,” I.S.E.R. Profile on Manitoba.
____ (d) “Challenges to Education,” Prepared for the Department of Education, Government of Manitoba.
____ (e) “Data Sources for Long Term Planning of the Winnipeg Economy,” Prepared for the Winnipeg Business Development Corporation.